SPRING IS HERE! Advertise your Spring activities or events in the Clare Shopper, get results - Distributing 15,400 copies every two weeks to homes & businesses from Yarmouth to Annapolis. Call to place your ad, TOLL FREE 1-800-515-3080 or Ph 769-3267, Fax 769-0877 or email to sales@clareshopper.com or on the web www.clareshopper.com. You can pay with Visa or Master Card. PAYING CASH for used 3 or 4 wheelers, lawn tractors, golf carts, dead or alive. Ph 245-8559 (Digby) FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Ph 769-8136 to order (Saulnierville) WELL CLEANING: Well drained, bottom cleaned & disinfected. Foot valve checked & replaced. Call Michel Deveau 645-3412 or cell 769-7595 “YOUR LOOK HAIR SALON” 9528 Lower Saulnierville (Yvon Comeau Plumbing Bldg.) Nicole Comeau, hairstylist. Phone or text 307-2357. Walk-ins welcome. Look for the big Pink Sign. Taking bookings for Prom and Weddings. Like me on Facebook for specials & promotions. HANDYMAN: General carpentry & interior painting, odd jobs. Competive rates. Ph 769-8136. MEAT BINGO 3rd Sunday of every month, 7:00pm @ the Salmon River Fire Hall. For Hall Rentals Ph Joyce @ 778-0321. LOOKING FOR Woodland to cut, softwood or hardwood. Ph 769-8136 SEWING and ALTERATIONS “Your clean clothes” professionally done for you - 76 Saulnierville Wharf Road - 769-2287. In most cases there is a “short” turn around time for completing your alterations BIG SPECIAL on Heritage Memorial. Large variety to choose from. Contact Aldric & Dianne Blinn. Ph 837-5777 (Grosses Coques) TUPPERVILLE HALL FARMERS MARKET & lunch counter @ 2568 Hwy 201 Tupperville. Every Saturday, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. SUPER SALE SPRING SPECIALS: New all season tires up to 50% off retail. New truck tires up to 50% off retail. Call with your size & get a super price. LONGMIRE’S TIRE SERVICE Ph 638-8133 (Deep Brook) ROOM FOR RENT: Close to all amenities in Meteghan - $400ºº/mth includes heat & lights. Ph 645-2373 (Meteghan) FOR RENT: 2 bedroom home, Lake Doucette, Salmon River area - $375ºº/mth + deposit. Ph 649-2279. SPRING TEA, Saturday, April 26th, 2-4 pm @ Weymouth Church of Christ. Free will offering. Sponsored by Relay for Life Team. BANKS FIREWOOD Serving Digby & surrounding area; cut, split & delivered hardwood, also 8ft hardwood delivered. Call Cody 308-9730. FOR SALE: Yard Buggy, 4 cyl, gas, automatic with 2nd 4 spd transmission, geared low, steel body, roll bar, lights, 31” tires, bucket seats, runs excellent, must be seen - $950ºº. Ph 245-8559 (Digby) FOR SALE: Vehicle hoist; set of alignment ramps; tire changer; brake lathe; air compressor. Call for pricing 837-5083 (Weymouth) FOR SALE: Free arm portable sewing machine, gently used, very good condition. Ph 467-3695 (Bear River) THANK YOU: Albert Melanson & family wish to express a great big thank you to all the people who contributed Rappie pies, sweets, articles for the silent auction & lobsters; the musicians & all the friends worked to make this benefit such a success. Kevin, Amanda & Lisa, we are so proud & grateful for all your hard work in organizing such an event. The money raised sure helps us out with all the extra expenses. THANK YOU to the Baie Ste. Marie Animal Society from Digby Friends of Ferals for your support. Your kindness, dedication & hard work shines through. THANK YOU to the guy who returned my stolen pennies. There is good in the world after all. THANK YOU: I would like to send out a warm heartfelt thank you to all those who attended my benefit. Also, to those who showed support through gifts, cards, auction, donations, sweets, rappie pie & those who played music. Thank you to all the local & surrounding businesses, family, friends & residents of Clare for the generous donations. Everything was greatly appreciated. Thanks to my daughter Melissa & sis-in-law Norma for all their hard work making this a huge success. Also, to all others who participated. Everything was deeply appreciated. Thank you!! St. Jude’s Novena: “May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored, loved and preserved through the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, hope of the hopeless, pray for us. “Say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days. By the 8th day, your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you, St. Jude. S.J.M. FOR RENT: 2 bedroom apartment in Weymouth. Ph 837-5767. FOR RENT: 2 bedroom, barrier free in Weymouth. Ph 880-1256. PLEASE JOIN us for our Third Annual Bus Fund Benefit for TIDEVIEW TERRACE, Sat., May 3rd at the Havelock Community Centre. Penny sale & bake sale @ 11:00am - 4:00 pm. Canteen will be open throughout the day with rappie pie & hot dogs. Talent show at 7:00 pm. If anyone would like to donate new items for the penny sale or bake, it would be greatly appreciated. Also, any musicians, feel free to come & sing along. All proceeds go to enable us to bring Tideview Terrace Residents on outings using a wheelchair accessible bus provided by Le Transport Residents. Please come & give your support. For more info Ph. Joylene Gavel 837-7539 or Tideview Terrace Recreation Dept. 378-3056 LOOKING FOR Someone to mow your lawn in the Weymouth/Clare area? 13 years experience. Call Nathan Sabean at 837-4240 FARMERS’ MARKET, Belliveau Cove, Opens May 31st - Sept. 27th. Every Sat. from 10am - 2pm. Produce, arts, crafts, baking goods, food & more. Wanted new vendors & yard sale people. Ph Max 769-8270. FOR RENT: 3 bedroom apartment in Meteghan, close to amenities, beach front. Ph 778-2504. THANK YOU St. Jude for prayers answered. J.C. *SPRING IS HERE! Advertise your Spring events, reunions, sales, activities in the Lobster Bay Shopper. Extremely effective & reasonably priced. Call today to place your ad, Toll-Free 1-800-515-3080 or Ph 769-3267, Fax 769-0877 *FOREST MANAGEMENT PLANS: Woodlot owners need help managing your property? I am a forest technician willing to give advice & make forestry management plans. Ph 902-881-2199. *FOR RENT: Upstairs 2 bedroom apartment in Lower Eel Brook with patio, skylight in master bedroom, fridge & stove included - $400ºº/mth, utilities not included. Ph 902-648-3336 *FOR SALE: 3 solar panels. Ph 637-3847 (Barrington) *LOOKING for someone to teach Tatting. Ph. 637-3847 (Barrington) *FOR SALE: 2006 Buick Allure, loaded, inspected for 2 years, asking - $3,895ºº. Ph 648-2552 (Tusket) *FOR SALE: 2002 Gand Prix loaded, inspected for 2 years - $1,800ºº obo. Ph 648-2502 (Tusket) *KROWN UNDERCOATING @ Eel Brook Service Centre. Ph for appointment 648-2331 (Tusket) **DEADLINE for the next issue of The Clare Shopper & Lobster Bay Shopper, is noon Sat., MAY 3rd, 2014 with Publication on Thursday, May 8th. **IT’S A GREAT DEAL! - when you place a classified ad in the Clare Shopper or Lobster Bay Shopper, it is also placed for FREE in our on-line editions, which is word searchable & accessible in our Classified Site for 12 months. Our on-line editions are now averaging over 60,000 hits an issue. **LEAK REPAIRS” - Foundations/ Concrete Structures. High pressure injections. No digging. Guaranteed. Free quotes. Will travel. THE LEAK GUY (G&S Enterprises) anytime 762-0722 or 740-5799 **GOING SOUTH? Need a sitter for your dog? CEDAR’S KENNELS boarding for DOGS - 283 Mardi Gras Rd., St. Alphonse. BBB member. Private location, 6 New runs, large & small kennels. Only 25 minutes from Yarmouth. By appointment only Ph 645-3289 (leave message if necessary) **ALL FOR SALE Ads will be published in the 30,000 copies of the shopper for FREE. Ph 1-800-515-3080 or 769-3267. Read our ad in this Edition for more details. **BELIEVE IT! IT’S TRUE! For a limited time our FOR SALE Personal Classified ads are FREE of charge. 30 words or less; limit 1 per customer per issue, NO Businesses. Place your for sale items on 30,000 kitchen tables in South West Nova as well as on our on-line edition. Ph 769-3267 or Toll Free 1-800-515-3080 or email sales@clareshopper.com **LAND FOR SALE in Saulnierville Wharf Rd. (oceanview) close to all amenities - store, post office, bank, school & church. Ph 769-2095 **CEDAR’S KENNELS boarding for DOGS - 283 Mardi Gras Rd., St. Alphonse. BBB member. Private location, 6 New runs, large & small kennels. Only 25 minutes from Yarmouth. By appointment only Ph 645-3289 (leave message if necessary) **LAND FOR SALE: 50 acres Kemptville, Route 203, Mountain Rd., great hunting & camping area for those who love the wilderness, accessible by 4-wheeler, PID # 10-400252 - $14,000ºº neg. Ph 649-3143. **BABY CHICKS Order them now for spring! We have Egglayers including heritage breeds, Meat Kings, Turkeys, Ducks, Pheasants & 20 week old egglayers. Ph 902-742-3530 to order. **COMPUTER REPAIRS: In-home or in-store computer sales & service. Computer accessories. Ph 645-2125 (Meteghan) **WE CLEAN CARPETS & UPHOLSTERY! SMITH BROS. CLEAN & SHINE. Ph 742-3250 (Yarmouth) **WISE CHOICE FOUNDATION REPAIRS. Do it Once, Do it Right with a flexible concrete sealer. Lifetime warranty (transferable), quotes by phone. 20 years experience, serving Cornwallis to Lockeport. 24 hr service. Ph 663-4411, 749-7688. **THOUSAND HILLS FARM: Order your meat Kings from THOUSAND HILLS FARM, we can have chicks every two weeks. We also process chickens. Ph 902-749-7989 (Yarmouth) **BUY/ SELL USED Firearms, restricted & non-restricted. Call Kevin 837-5862 or 837-8295 cell. **WANTING TO PURCHASE WWII-WWI & earlier military items from all countries, uniforms, edge weapons, badges, helmets, other accouterments. Single items or collections. Please contact Tom at 902-404-6513 or e-me. I also collect RCMP items. Will travel to view items. (Thanks to the nice folks in the valley & along the Sou’West Shore for contacting me). **FOR RENT: 2 bedroom apartment, new building in Tusket, appliances & heat included, quiet building - $650ºº/mth. suitable for seniors. Ph 648-2154. **FOR SALE: Tow bar, fits Ford van; large portable garage frame, good for greenhouse; large kerosene heater, like new. Ph 245-6845 (Digby) **FOR SALE: 2007 Ford Ranger FX4 off road, 4x4, 4 litre, auto, posi track, auto start, sliding rear window, full load, 125,000 kms, vent shades, bug deflector, chrome rails & running boards - $9,000ºº obo. Ph 245-2084 (Digby) **FOR SALE: Lighthouse Rd., 5 minutes from downtown Digby, out of town limits, 2 bedroom home, all newly painted inside, new floors, new roof, artisan well, oil forced hot air furnace - $77,000ºº. Ph 245-2363. **FOR SALE: New toilet & tank, suitable for basement pump system; retro large, black pedestal sink & large black toilet in good condition; bath chair & commode for senior. Ph 837-7734 (Weymouth) **FOR SALE: Quilt tops - $70ºº each. Ph 645-2373 (Meteghan) **FOR SALE: Painting by Manton Nickerson, very well known CSI Artist, 34”X27-3/4”. Ph 635-0205 or 635-0767 (Cape Sable Island) **FOR SALE: 2004 Honda trail bike, CRF150. Ph 769-2401 or 260-4260 (Saulnierville) **FOR SALE: Harley Davidson boots, size 10, Civil War style, used twice, deal - $90ºº firm, save $80ºº. Ph 902-247-5505 (Bangor) **FOR SALE: Tropical fish - African Cichlids & American Cichlids & community fish. Ph 746-8892 (Yarmouth) **THINK and GROW RICH by: Napoleon Hill. Looking for the people who understand these types of principles. Very interested in talking with you. Ph. 902-837-5658 **FOR SALE: 30’ bus camper, insulated & furnished, wood stove & generator - $3,500ºº obo; men’s Rawley 12 spd mountain bike - $100ºº. Ph 245-3801 after 6pm or weekend (Digby) **FOR SALE: Original Willard Hewey (from Cedar Lake) 14’ cedar canoe, used very little, kept inside dark barn, re-fiberglassed - $800ºº. Ph 774-2020. **WE DO removal of broken or unwanted farm or industrial machinery, also removal of any unwanted bits & pieces of any kind of metal, small or large quantities. Ph 742-4907, please leave message (Yarmouth) **FOR SALE: Garden trailer for ride-on, dumps - $115ºº; queen size mattress, clear, good condition - $50ºº. Ph 467-3908 (Bear River) **FOR SALE: Rotating wooden display with light; old maple wooden table; old jewelry; commode (missing doors); old books; old crank pump for lubricating things; homemade small desk. Ph 467-3131 for info (Clementsvale) **FOR SALE: Ridge Rd., 2 bedroom bungalow on 3/4 acre of land, garage, 1-1/2 baths, pine sunroom & much more. A bargain @ $120,000ºº. Ph Chuck 247-3174 **FOR SALE: Solid hardwood bunk bed set - $250ºº. Ph 648-2154 (Tusket) **FOR SALE: Heartnut trees, fast growing, beautiful shade tree with large leaves, heartshped nuts @ maturity, (5-6 Yrs old) - $25ºº each. Ph 649-2793 (Cedar Lake) **FOR SALE: Nevada 26” men’s comfort bike, aluminum frame - $100ºº; Bach trombone - $1,000ºº. Ph 902-249-0113 (Smith’s Cove) **FOR SALE: Columbia brand byo bed with fold-up frame, slip cover, queen air mattress, zip on reversible comforter & pump. All folds up into duffel bag - $175ºº. Ph 837-5684 (Weymouth) **FOR SALE: Harlequin pocket books, bagged, 12 per bag - $10ºº, great summer reading. Ph 245-1024 (Digby) **CAMPER FOR SALE: 32 ft, 2007 Jayco Eagle, 5th wheel, 3 slides, beautiful oak finish, excellent condition, TV, DVD surround sound & many extras, would make nice summer home. Ph 837-8297 or 769-2418 (Saulnierville) **FOR SALE: Troybilt tiller, Pony, never used, paid $1,200, will sell for - $1,000ºº. Ph 245-2853 (Digby) **FOR SALE: Trailer hitch to fit 2010 Ford Focus. Ph 245-2482 or 247-9233 (Digby) **PETER’S ADDRESS: Acts 4:12, Romans 1:16-17, Eph 2:20-22. The secret of peace Philippians 4:5-13. A.K.J.V. Gary Hopkins (Pubnico) **FOR SALE: 1997 Chev 1/2 ton, V6, auto, asking - $1,195ºº. Ph 837-4154 (Weymouth) **FOR SALE: 2003 Chrysler Intrepid, 6 cyl, auto, fully loaded, only 73,000 kms - $3,995ºº 2008 Ford Ranger, Super cab, 3L, 5 spd, 230,000 kms, works excellent, undercoated, new inspection - $4,995ºº. Ph 247-5005 (Digby) **TIRE SUPER SALE on Cooper, BF Goodrich, Michelin, also retreads; tire studding. JIM QUICK TIRE SALES and SERVICE: Specializing in tractor tires, tractor rims, tire repairs, vulcanizing, ATV to skidder & lawn tractor tires & tubes, welding, sandblasting, painting. 7 Hardscratch Rd. Yarmouth. Ph 742-6667 **FOR SALE: Screened top soil - $20ºº/yard (pick-up). Delivery available for extra charge. Ph 247-5005 (Digby) **FOR SALE: Trailer for lawn mower, 4x6 on rubber tires, good condition - $125ºº. Ph 467-3908 (Bear River) **FOR SALE: 2009 Honda Scooter Jazz - $1,295ºº. Ph. L. C. COMEAU 769-2425 (Comeauville) **FOR SALE: 2002 Chevy S10, 4x4, auto, all black - $3,495ºº. Ph. L. C. COMEAU 769-2425 (Comeauville) **FOR SALE: 2005 Honda TRX 650, 4x4, auto, 4-wheeler - $4,995ºº. Ph. L. C. COMEAU 769-2425 (Comeauville) **FOR SALE: 2012 Honda TRX 500 FPE, 4x4, power steering, electric shift, only 2,100 kms - $6,995ºº. Ph. L. C. COMEAU 769-2425 (Comeauville) **FOR SALE: 2008 Honda, 4 wheeler TRX 450 ER, 2 wheel drive, sport ATV - $4,600ºº. Ph. L. C. COMEAU 769-2425 (Comeauville) **FOR SALE: 2003 Honda GL 1800 Goldwing, 86,000 kms, excellent shape - $14,995ºº. Ph. L. C. COMEAU 769-2425 (Comeauville) **FOR SALE: 2005 Honda ST 1300 sport touring motorcycle - $8,400ºº. Ph. L. C. COMEAU 769-2425 (Comeauville) **FOR SALE: 2008 Honda CBF 1000 sport touring motorcycle with fairing & saddle bags -$6,995ºº. L. C. COMEAU 769-2425 (Comeauville) **FOR SALE: 2008 Honda VTX 1800 motorcycle with Voyager with Trike kit, only 19,200 kms - $9,800ºº. L. C. COMEAU 769-2425 (Comeauville) **FOR SALE: 2011 Honda CRF 230L, dual purpose motorcycle - $3,900ºº. L. C. COMEAU 769-2425 (Comeauville) **FOR SALE: 1960 Massey Ferguson MF 35 deluxe tractor, dual clutch & power take-off, gas - $4,200ºº obo. Ph 902-875-2347 (Mavillette) **FOR SALE: Lowrey Genie 88 organ, 2 keyboards, foot pedals, comes with more accessories - $500ºº. Ph 742-4450 **FOR SALE: Clothes dryer. Ph 307-2870 **FOR SALE: 2005 Ford Escape XLT, V6, auto, AWD, great condition, works great, brand new inspection, 200,000 kms, asking - $3,800. Ph 902-761-2212 (Carleton) **13” - 20” tires - $25ºº & up. Vehicle repairs - exhausts a specialty, rocker panels & gas tanks. JIM QUICK TIRE SALES 7 Hardscratch Rd. Yarmouth. Ph 742-6667 for Quick Service. **THREE FORTY AUTOMOTIVE LTD! We are a Pre-Owned auto dealer located on Hwy 340 just off Exit 34 of Hwy 101 in Hebron! With vehicles of all ages ranging in price from $2,000ºº to $25,000ºº. We are bound to have what you want or we can source it for you! All vehicles include a 3 Month/3000 km warranty. Financing Available OAC! Our New Auto Service & Repair Shop is open Mon.-Fri., 8am - 5pm to serve you! Ph. 902-749-3470. **WE CLEAN out apartments, houses, estates, garages, out-buildings, barns, old stores, churches, halls, warehouses, building demolition, yard clean-up, tree & wood removal. Ph 742-4907, or please leave message (Yarmouth) **FOR SALE: 1997 Toyota Tercel, 2 dr, auto, needs nothing, as good as it gets - $1,995ºº; 2003 Pontiac Vibe, 4 cyl, auto, AWD - $3,595ºº; 2003 Dodge Caravan, good clean van - $2,995ºº; 2002 Hyundai Accent, 4dr, auto - $2,195ºº; 2009 GMC Acadia, 7 passenger - $9,950ºº; Also have a good supply of used tires. GOUDEY AUTO SALES LTD. Ph 749-6656 (Yarmouth) **FOR SALE: 2009 Chrysler Sebring - $4,500ºº; 2003 Impala - $2,500ºº; 2005 Optra station wagon - $2,500ºº; 2001 Chev 1/2 ton - $1,500ºº; 2003 Windstar van - $1,500ºº; 2001 S-10, 112,000 kms; 2007 Chevrolet cargo van - $1,600ºº; 2002 & 2003 Santa Fe - $1,400ºº for both. Ph 769-8973. **FOR SALE: Gun parts for most makes & models, rifle clips, Rabar sights, rings & bases, internal parts, stocks & forearms. If I don’t have it, I can make it. Ph Dale at 665-2437 (Bridgetown) **FOR SALE: Old Winchester rifle, model 1894 chambered for 30 W.C.F. made in 1901, good condition. Ph 665-2509 (Bridgetown) **WANTED: Antique bottles - medicine pops, anything old, 1 or a collection, paying top prices. Ph 745-0801 (Clark’s Harbour) **FOR SALE: Fence posts, 6ft long, sharpened - $1.25 each. Ph 769-0854 (Saulnierville) **FOR SALE: 1998 Toyota Corolla, inspected until Nov., 4 door automatic, good shape asking - $1,000ºº obo. Ph 740-4308 (Yarmouth) **FOR SALE: 1984 750 Honda Shadow motorcycle, 93,000 kms, inspected till fall of 2015, custom paint job, excellent condition - $2,500ºº or will consider trade for farm tractor of equal value. Ph 837-4331 (Weymouth) **FOR SALE: 6 large Koi fish, 15 - 20 inches. Ph 723-2800, 27 Old Bridge Rd., Shag Harbour. **FOR SALE: 46 pcs, 10ft & 12ft long, 2x8’s (mostly 12 ft), excellent buy - $8ºº each; 7 pcs wolmanized railings, 42”h, 10’ long, brand new - $75ºº each. Ph 769-3662 (Saulnierville) **FOR SALE: 2011 Ford Escape XLT, auto, V6, air, pw, pl, cruise, keyless entry, trailer tow pkg & satellite radio, 36,000 kms, well maintained, showroom condition - $17,995ºº. Ph 902-648-8079 (Tusket) **FOR SALE: 2002 Toyota Echo manual, MVI until April/15, works great - $1,500ºº. Ph 761-2735 (Carleton) **FOIRE du Printemps/Spring Fling, École Belleville, Sat., April 26th from 10am-1pm. Door prize, books & puzzle table, bake sale, games, Toonie jars, canteen, vendors, theme baskets, performances by Kidzact & MacKenzie School of Dance, 50/50. Proceeds for École Belleville Playground fund. **FOR SALE: 2003 Hyundai Tiburon, 6 spd, 6 cyl, never winter driven, 149,000 kms - $4,000ºº. Ph 837-5361 (Weymouth) **LOOKING FOR German Shepherd puppy (not registered), max 6 months old. Ph 837-7413 or 308-9272 leave message) **FOR SALE: Clam license for Digby, Annapolis & Kings area - $2,000ºº. Ph 837-4469. **FOR SALE: Delta, floor model 46-701, 12” wood lathe - $500ºº; 1950’s Wheatley 8” jointer - $100ºº. Ph 902-663-2730 (Wedgeport) **FOR SALE: Pool table, 4’x8’, new balls & cloth, cue sticks included, no reasonable offer refused. Ph 839-2278 (Freeport) **FOR SALE: Queen size mattress, used very little, good condition - $300ºº; large box of Danielle Steel books - 75¢ each. Ph 742-2542 (Yarmouth) **FOR SALE: 2009 Chevy Cobalt, auto. Ph 637-2490 (Barrington) **FOR SALE: 4X4, 4-wheeler, 2004 Arctic Cat 500, very good condition, never been left outside - $4,000ºº; utility cart, custom made, 5’x10’ - $1,400ºº. Ph 837-7380 or 837-4117 after 11am (Weymouth) **FOR SALE: 2005 Mercury Crown Victoria, fully loaded, only 56,000 kms, Krown Rust treatment every year, no rust - $8,500ºº. Ph 749-6612 (Tusket) **FOR SALE: 30”, white, priced $100ºº & $200ºº; 1 new storage shed, 8’x12’ & 12x16, we deliver; all circulators, 130 ft, hot water radiation, expansion tank, all piping, controls, etc. Make us an offer. Ph 645-2212 or 769-7597 (Meteghan) **THINK and GROW RICH by: Napoleon Hill. Looking for the people who understand these types of principles. Very interested in talking with you. Ph. 902-837-5658 **FOR SALE: 16hp, 46” Lawnflite ride-on mower - $800ºº. Ph 769-2277 or 769-0007 (Saulnierville) **THANK YOU: I would like to say thank you to all the businesses, fishermen, volunteers, friends & family for all your support at my benefits. Without you this wouldn’t be possible. Again thank you very much. **FOR SALE: 28’ 1997 Prowler 5th wheel, fridge/freezer, furnace, stove/oven, hot water heater, stereo radio, sleeps 6, light color inside, very good condition with slider hitch - $6,500ºº. Ph 837-1087 (Weymouth) **LAWN CARE - Mowing, trimming hedges & shrubs clean-up. Quality work, dependable service, 15 yrs experience, Yarmouth & area. Ph 774-0079. **FOR SALE: Canon Printer/scanner, prints black & color, has manual & set up disk - $30ºº. Ph 769-3112 (Concession) AL-ANON Come join us if you are worried about someone’s drinking Tuesdays @ 7pm at the University, Wednesdays @ 2:00 pm @ the Municipality Bldg. For info Ph 769-2054 or 769-0016. GREAT PHOTOS OF S.W. NOVA! Check out our Collection of Black & White photos from our past issues at www.clareshopper.com LOOKING FOR SOMETHING SPECIAL? ALL CLASSIFIEDS that were published for the last 24 issues (1 year) in the Clare Shopper are available on-line at www.clareshopper.com DIGBY & AREA EARLY Intervention Program provides various services & supports to families with children (birth-school entry) who have a developmental delay or are at risk of a delay in the Mun. of Digby, FREE of charge & services are provided in the child’s home. If you have any concerns regarding how your child is developing, please call 902-837-7315 **IS FOOD RUNNING YOUR LIFE & ruining your health? OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS meets every Mon., night at Beacon Church, 7-8pm. All welcome. For info Ph 902-749-5244 or 742-3725 **TRI-COUNTY PREGNANCY CARE CENTRE INC: If you are alone & need help & don’t know where to turn, call us. We offer free confidential pregnancy tests when requested. Information & counseling regarding the various options available to the pregnant client. Call 742-3865 - tcpcc@ns.aliantzinc.ca (Yarmouth) **AL-ANON MEETING: For anyone whose life has been affected by someone else’s drinking. Fridays at 8:00 pm at Holy Trinity Hall, William St., Yarmouth. Everyone welcome. Contact No. 648-3332 or 742-9819 **WANTED GUNS & Ammunition, old military rifles, knives. Ph 902-837-5828 (Weymouth) **PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP meets the 1st Monday of each month at the Lions Club, Parade St., Yarmouth @ 7:00 pm. Spouses are welcome & encouraged to attend. For more info Ph Walter 742-3401 or Eric 742-7367. **WOMEN! ARE YOU EXPERIENCING Physical, sexual or emotional abuse from your partner? If so, call “JUNIPER HOUSE” 24 hours a day. **FIBROMYALGIA & Chronic Pain Support Group meets every 1st Friday of every month in the Sobeys’ Community Room from 1-3 pm. For more info Ph Gisèle 902-749-7433. IN LOVING MEMORY of Charles Cromwell who passed away May 4, 2001. I do not need a special day to bring you to mind. The days I do not think of you is hard to find. To hear your voice, to see your smile, to sit with you and talk awhile, to be together in the same old way would be my greatest wish today. Always remembered and loved by