SPRING IS HERE! Advertise your Spring activities or events in the Clare Shopper, get results - Distributing 15,400 copies every two weeks to homes & businesses from Yarmouth to Annapolis. Call to place your ad, TOLL FREE 1-800-515-3080 or Ph 769-3267, Fax 769-0877 or email to sales@clareshopper.com or on the web www.clareshopper.com. You can pay with Visa or Master Card.

INCOME TAXES: The tax season is upon us. We will be preparing tax returns again this year. Please call 645-3416 & ask for Dora or Robert Maillet. Most personal returns will cost under - $50oo. “OUR PRICES INCLUDE E-FILING FOR PROMPT REFUNDS”. This represents our 31st year of service & we are looking forward to receiving your call. Please call between 9am & 6pm.

FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Ph 769-8136 to order (Saulnierville)

WELL CLEANING: Well drained, bottom cleaned & disinfected. Foot valve checked & replaced. Call Michel Deveau 645-3412 or cell 769-7595

“YOUR LOOK HAIR SALON” 9528 Lower Saulnierville (Yvon Comeau Plumbing Bldg.) Nicole Comeau, hairstylist. Phone or text 307-2357. Walk-ins welcome. Look for the big Pink Sign. Taking bookings for Prom and Weddings.

HANDYMAN: General carpentry & interior painting, odd jobs. Competive rates. Ph 769-8136.

BOARD & ROOM from May 15th for elderly couple or 2 gentlemen with full care (laundry, cleaning, appointments) Ph 645-3970. (Meteghan River)

MEAT BINGO 3rd Sunday of every month, 7:00pm @ the Salmon River Fire Hall. For Hall Rentals Ph Joyce @ 778-0321.

LOOKING FOR Woodland to cut, softwood or hardwood. Ph 769-8136

SEWING and ALTERATIONS “Your clean clothes” professionally done for you - 76 Saulnierville Wharf Road - 769-2287. In most cases there is a “short” turn around time for completing your alterations.

INCOME TAXES: Pleased to advise that we will be preparing personal tax returns again this year. We have room for some additional clients. Please call Dora or Robert Maillet at 645-3416 to get details of what services we offer. We will also give you an estimate on how much the cost of preparing your return will be. “WE NOW PROVIDE E-FILING SERVICES FOR PROMPT REFUNDS”. Please call between 9am-6pm

FUNDRAISER - GOSPEL CONCERT for Mount Beulah Baptist Church, Weymouth Falls at the Weymouth Legion on Sat., April 19th at 1:00 pm. The Victory Singers, Paster Chuck Daniels, Alphie Bright, the Hillbilies Band & more. Fellowship Luncheon to follow.

FOR SALE: Black men’s leather jacket, size small - $50oo; brown leather swivel rocker, 2 yrs old, perfect condition - $200oo; Admiral 30” electric stove, white - $200oo; Admiral dryer - $120oo; Kenmore extra capacity clothes dryer - $120oo. Ph 649-2769 (Port Maitland)

BIG SPECIAL on Heritage Memorial. Large variety to choose from. Contact Aldric & Dianne Blinn. Ph 837-5777 (Grosses Coques)

FUNDRAISER for Mount Beulah Church, Weymouth Falls being held in Dartmouth, NS at New Beginnings Ministry, 26 Cherrybrook Rd.,Westthal on Sat., May 3rd at 1:00 pm

NEED YOUR VEHICLE APPRAISED for taxes, antiques & special interests? Call Eddie Comeau anytime at 6 4 5 - 2040 (Meteghan)

TUPPERVILLE HALL FARMERS MARKET & lunch counter @ 2568 Hwy 201 Tupperville. Every Saturday, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm.

FOR RENT: Apartment from May 15th, 1/2 month rent free, 1 year lease only, not suitable for children. Ph 645-3970. (Meteghan River)

FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house, private location on Second Division Rd., St. Martin. Available immediately. Ph 769- 7141

FOR RENT: 2 bedroom apartment in Weymouth. Ph 837-5767 or 880-1256.

EVERYONE is welcome to attend Digby Baptist Church for the following: Tues., April 15th @ 12:00 noon - Thirty minute Holy Tuesday Service with Margo Nesbitt, Douglas Hales & the Ladies’ Ensemble. Plan to attend & bring your lunch for a gathering in the Church Hall following this service. Soup, coffee & tea will be provided. Fri., April 18th @ 7:00 pm - Good Friday Drama - Re-enactment of the Last Supper with a Fellowship Time; Sun., April 20th from 8:30 - 9:45 am, Church Family & Community Easter Breakfast (Free). Sun., April 20th from 10:30 am to 12 noon - Easter Celebration Service of Music & Worship. MEN’S RETREAT at Digby Baptist Church, Fri., & Sat., April 25th & 26th. The theme is “God Outdoors” with Rev. Jeffrey White, Senior Pastor of Windsor Baptist Church. Contact Peter Dickie at 308-9428 for more info & for registration.

FOR SALE: 2 refrigerators, white; 2 electric stove, 30”, white, priced $125oo & $200oo; cast iron radiators, 1 new storage shed, 8’x12’; complete heating system for a house, hotwater furnace, New Yorker, oil furnace, all circulators, 130 ft, wall radiation, all piping, controls, etc. Make us an offer. Ph 645-2212 or 769-7597 (Meteghan)

GREAT BIG GARAGE SALE, April 19, 2014, 9am - 2pm @ the Kentville Centennial Arena, Webster St., Kentville, NS. HUNDREDS of GARAGE SALES all under one roof!!! RECYCLE the stuff cluttering your attic, basement, closets & garage. Sell you stuff to someone else that can REUSE IT.. ANYONE can set up, make money & have fun! We still have tables available if you wish to have your Garage Sale with us, all sellers Keep 100% of their own Sales. To reserve your table Call or Text 902-495-0206 for more info.

SUPER SALE SPRING SPECIALS: New all season tires up to 50% off retail. New truck tires up to 50% off retail. Call with your size & get a super price. LONGMIRE’S TIRE SERVICE Ph 6 3 8 - 8133 (Deep Brook)

WANTED: Paying Cash for used 3 or 4- wheelers, golf carts, lawn tractors. Cash on the spot. Ph 245-8559 (Digby) RICHARD’S AUTO CLEAN: Specialize in car cleaning. This month’s deal - hot wax car wash - $20oo. Ph 902-308-1287

MILFORD MAPLEFEST, Sat. April 12/14 @ the Milford & Area Community Hall, 5439 Hwy 8, 21 kms south of Annapolis Royal from 12:00 noon - 2:00 pm & 4:00 - 6:00 pm. Adults - $10oo; children under 12 - $4oo. Pancakes with Robyn Warren’s local pure maple syrup, roasted old fashion Armstrong’s bone in ham, homemade baked beans, potato salad, homemade rolls, pickles, assorted homemade pies, tea, coffee or juice. Take out orders on request. Proceeds for the Milford Community Hall. Ph 532-5606 for details.

FOR SALE: 2005 Dodge 1500 reg cab, long box, V6, auto, air, tilt, cruise, great condition, 135,000 kms, price - $4,000oo. Ph 638-8133 (Deep Brook)

LOST: Very fancy axe on Margo Rd. going to Belliveau Cove. Fell off my tractor Tues. night March 25th before the storm. Please call Marcel Belliveau 586-2025 (Belliveau Cove)

LA COLLECTION Annuelle de nourriture de porte en porte organisé par les Chevaliers de Colomb pour la Banque Alimentaire (Food Bank) de Clare aura lieu le 12 et 13 avril 2014. Soyez Généreux!

THE ANNUAL door to door food collection organized by the Knights of Columbus for the Clare Food Bank Society will take place on April 12th & 13th, 2014. Thank you for your support.

FOR SALE: Hot water boiler, 40 gal - $50oo obo; small trailer that dumps (to haul lawn tractor, 4-wheeler, etc. - $50oo obo. Ph 837-4602 (Weymouth)

THANK YOU St. Jude for prayers answered. S.J.M.

FOR RENT or Rent to Own: 2 bedroom mobile home, Marshalltown. Ph 2 4 5 - 4994.

FOR RENT: Small house near Salmon River/Hectanooga Exit - $450oo/mth. Ph Jason for more details 778-1687.

THANK YOU St. Jude for prayers answered. S.M.C.

FOR SALE: Hardwood firewood, cut split & delivered - $200oo/cord. Ph 902-638-3369.

LAND FOR SALE: Riverfront & lakefront, 8-10 acres - $14,500oo; lakefront Sold; lakefront, 6.4 - $12,500, 40 acres lake, river, gravel - $25,500, tested positive for gravel, road access, approved. Ph 902-837- 4084 serious inquiries only please. Contractors willing to trade land for excavator work (well, roads, clearing)

COUNTERFEIT Bible Alert: Did you know that there exists a corrupt Greek text produced in the 1880 by Mr. Westcott & Mr. Hort? This text removes 64,000+ words, adds strategic phrases, contains play on words, and most importantly changes the ideology & doctrines of the pure text, the Textus Receptus, the 5309 original Greek & Hebrew manuscripts. This pure text, or the Majority Text, has hundreds of examples of scientific accuracy, prophecies fulfilled & excellent information regarding eternal life. This is the information trying to be hidden from us. The fact is there are hundreds of lies in these new aged bibles (NIV NASB NLT etc) & hundreds of versions of them which can lead you astray from the one & only Way. Truth is beautiful, especially when compared to lies & deception. A good majority text bible to insist upon is the King James Version of 1611, over 50 scholars took over seven years to translate using correct manuscripts. (not New KJV). For all scripture documentation & Free replacement of Minority text based bibles to Textus Receptus based Holy Bible, please call 902-334-0545 french speaking people please call, 100% free, no money or barter please, references to documentation provided, compare them yourself at bible.cc (or google KJV vs NIV). Isaiah 14:12 Matt 17:21 Luke 11:2-4 Acts 8:37 Rom 3:25 1 John 5:7 Rev 15:3 (many many more) Always research who publishes your reading material! They have gone to great lengths to try to hide this information! Wake up!

TO the guy that stole my 5 gallon can full of pennies please return it, I’m not mad but that was for my kids, there were coins from all across the world, it was for my kids’ school presentation.

MOVING SALE: Everything must go, 10 Prince William St., Digby, Apt. 8, Sat., April 12th, 8am - 4pm. For more info Ph 245-6325

*SPRING IS HERE! Advertise your Spring events, reunions, sales, activities in the Lobster Bay Shopper. Extremely effective & reasonably priced. Call today to place your ad, Toll-Free 1-800-515-3080 or Ph 7 6 9 - 3267, Fax 769-0877

*SUPERNOVA POWER YOGA: First class is FREE! 350 Main St., Yarmouth www.supernovapoweryoga.com

*FOREST MANAGEMENT PLANS: Woodlot owners need help managing your property? I am a forest technician willing to give advice & make forestry management plans. Ph 902-881-2199.

*PRIVATE TREE Removal & trimming. Experienced I.S.A. Certified Forest Arborist for hire. Free estimates. Ph 902-881-2199.

*FOR SALE: Little River Duck dog puppies, available in 5 weeks, more info Ph 648-3374 (Amirault’s Hill)

*FOR SALE: 10ft Kayak - $350oo; 15’ fiberglass canoe, square end for motor, very good condition, asking - $500oo. Ph 902-637-2283 (Barrington)

*FOR SALE: 12 ft fiberglass punt asking - $400oo; 14 ft fiberglass outboard motor boat, good gunning boat, wide & deep, asking - $850oo. Ph 637-2283 (Barrington)

*FOR SALE: 2009 Chevy Cobalt, auto. Ph 637-2490 (Barrington)

*KROWN UNDERCOATING @ Eel Brook Service Centre. Ph for appointment 648-2331 (Tusket)

*WANTED: Part time, call-in bartender. Submit résumé to RCL Wedgeport or email: l.muise@bellaliant.net before April 30/14. For more info Ph 663-2658 or 648-2346 (Wedgeport)

*WANTED: Pale green bathroom sink in top condition. Ph 663-2204 (Wedgeport)

*FOR RENT: Upstairs 2 bedroom apartment in Lower Eel Brook with patio, skylight in master bedroom, fridge & stove included - $400oo/mth, utilities not included. Ph 902-648-3336 (Tusket)

**DEADLINE for the next issue of The Clare Shopper & Lobster Bay Shopper, is noon Sat., April 19th, 2014 with Publication on Thursday, April 24th.

**IT’S A GREAT DEAL! - when you place a classified ad in the Clare Shopper or Lobster Bay Shopper, it is also placed for FREE in our on-line editions, which is word searchable & accessible in our Classified Site for 12 months. Our on-line editions are now averaging over 60,000 hits an issue.

**FOR SALE: 2011 Harley Davidson motorcycle, model XL883L Sportster, black chrome, only 3,400 kms, comes with windshield, backrest, saddle bags, extra seat, bike cover & more. Ph Blaine at 742-5148.

**FOR SALE: Just arrived 2014 Honda Grom motorcycle only - $3,195oo. Ph. LEONARD C. COMEAU 769-2425 (Comeauville)

**LEAK REPAIRS” - Foundations/ Concrete Structures. High pressure injections. No digging. Guaranteed. Free quotes. Will travel. THE LEAK GUY (G&S Enterprises) anytime 7 6 2 - 0722 or 740-5799

**FOR SALE: Johnson 5 string bass - $200oo. Ph 307-2357 or 645-3289 (St. Alphonse)

**GOING SOUTH? Need a sitter for your dog? CEDAR’S KENNELS boarding for DOGS - 283 Mardi Gras Rd., St. Alphonse. BBB member. Private location, 6 New runs, large & small kennels. Only 25 minutes from Yarmouth. By appointment only Ph 645-3289 (leave message if necessary)

**ALL FOR SALE Ads will be published in the 30,000 copies of the shopper for FREE. Ph 1-800-515-3080 or 769-3267. Read our ad in this Edition for more details.

**BELIEVE IT! IT’S TRUE! For a limited time our FOR SALE Personal Classified ads are FREE of charge. 30 words or less; limit 1 per customer per issue, NO Businesses. Place your for sale items on 30,000 kitchen tables in South West Nova as well as on our on- line edition. Ph 769-3267 or Toll Free 1-800-515-3080 or email sales@clareshopper.com

**LAND FOR SALE in Saulnierville Wharf Rd. (oceanview) close to all amenities - store, post office, bank, school & church. Ph 769-2095

**CEDAR’S KENNELS boarding for DOGS - 283 Mardi Gras Rd., St. Alphonse. BBB member. Private location, 6 New runs, large & small kennels. Only 25 minutes from Yarmouth. By appointment only Ph 645-3289 (leave message if necessary)

**FOR SALE: Railway ties in stock, 8ft long, 6” wide, approximately 125 lbs each; 48x40 blue hardwood pallets - $12oo at ANTHONY’S DAYTON FRUIT & VEGETABLE. Ph 902-742-5148 (Dayton)

**LAND FOR SALE: 50 acres Kemptville, Route 203, Mountain Rd., great hunting & camping area for those who love the wilderness, accessible by 4-wheeler, PID # 10-400252 - $14,000oo neg. Ph 649-3143.

**WENDY’s DOGGY HOMESTAY: Dog sitting in our home, no crates or kennels, 3 km walks daily, outdoor/indoor playtime & lots of belly rubs. We care for your dog like our own. For more info Ph 881-2566 (Yarmouth)

**BABY CHICKS Order them now for spring! We have Egglayers including heritage breeds, Meat Kings, Turkeys, Ducks, Pheasants & 20 week old egglayers. Ph 902-742-3530 to order.

**COMPUTER REP AIRS: In-home or in- store computer sales & service. Computer accessories. Ph 645-2125 (Meteghan)


**FOR SALE: 2013 Polaris 800 Ranger crew, side by side, 4x4 with windshield, full roof & 4,000 lb winch - $12,500oo. Ph. LEONARD C. COMEAU 769-2425 (Comeauville)

**LOOKING to PURCHASE locally found arrow heads, stone tools & native artifacts. Ph 746-8138 (South Ohio)

**WISE CHOICE FOUNDATION REPAIRS. Do it Once, Do it Right with a flexible concrete sealer. Lifetime warranty (transferable), quotes by phone. 20 years experience, serving Cornwallis to Lockeport. 24 hr service. Ph 663-4411, 749-7688.

**13” - 20” tires - $25oo & up. Vehicle repairs - exhausts a specialty, rocker panels & gas tanks. JIM QUICK TIRE SALES 7 Hardscratch Rd. Yarmouth. Ph 742-6667 for Quick Service.

**WE DO removal of broken or unwanted farm or industrial machinery, also removal of any unwanted bits & pieces of any kind of metal, small or large quantities. Ph 742-4907, please leave message (Yarmouth)

**THOUSAND HILLS FARM: Order your meat Kings from THOUSAND HILLS FARM, we can have chicks every two weeks. We also process chickens. Ph 902-749-7989 (Yarmouth)

**FOR SALE: Propeller, 4 blade, 25 diameter X 19 pitch, right-hand, fits 2- 1/4 shaft - $300oo; propeller, 3 blade, 26 diameter, 18-1/2 pitch, right-hand, 2-1/4 shaft - $150oo. Ph 902-762-3015 (Pubnico)

**FOR SALE: 4 blade, 34 diameter, 26 pitch, left-handed, 2-1/2 shaft, Hawbolt High Trail, can be bored bigger - $1,000oo; used 30 cu. inch hydraulic pot hauler motor, Charlin - $250oo; new hydraulic pump for 14” pot hauler, Permco gear pump - $300oo. Ph 9 0 2 - 762-3015 (Pubnico)

**FOR SALE: Cup & saucer shelf with hangers, 70”L X 7”W - $40oo. Ph 902- 742-2689 (Yarmouth)

**FOR SALE: Honda 2008 TRX 450 ER high performance, 2x4, 4-wheeler - $4,600oo. Ph. LEONARD C. COMEAU 769-2425 (Comeauville)

**FOR SALE: 28ft camper trailer, completely restored inside & out, asking - $2,000oo; 308 Winchester semi-automatic rifle with 2 clips - $200oo. Ph 837-5915 (St. Bernard)

**FOR SALE: Vintage Tonka toys; carpenter tools & mechanic tools. Ph 245-5540 or email roddoucette@hotmail.com (Digby)

**FOR SALE: 1909 Singer sewing machine - $60oo; white sewing maching - $125oo; 2 chamber pots - $20oo & $50oo. Ph 708-3108 (Clementsvale)

**FOR SALE: Bedroom set - bed frame, headboard for double bed, triple dresser, separate framed mirror & night stand, like new condition - $400oo. Ph 742-1099 (Yarmouth)

**FOR SALE: 2 wood kitchen tables - $25oo each; patio lounge chair - $10oo; tow behind lawn sweeper - $50oo; cold frame 32x48”, can be disassembled for storage - $20oo. Ph 532-5470 (Annapolis Royal)

**FOR SALE: Brand new left-handed Washburn cut-away acoustic, electric guitar with Fishmen pick-up, paid $700, asking - $500oo. Ph 769-3662 (Saulnierville)

**FOR SALE: Large dresser with mirror, 6 large, 3 small drawers, well made - $150oo; homemade china chest - $150oo; long gown, worn once, gold color, extra large - $50oo. Ph 740-1256 (Yarmouth)

**BUY/ SELL USED Firearms, restricted & non-restricted. Call Kevin 837-5862 or 837-8295 cell.

** FOR SALE: 2010 Yamaha Star motorcycle, 250cc, Twin, 6,880 kms, windshield, like new condition, great beginner’s bike, very low seat - $2,900oo. Ph 649-2629 (Mayflower)

**FOR SALE: 2003 Chrysler Intrepid, 6 cyl, auto, fully loaded, only 73,000 kms - $3,995oo. Ph 247-5005 (Digby)

**FOR SALE: .35 Caliber Marlin lever action with scope; 12 gauge double barrel, side by side; Ithiea 12 gauge semi-auto; 20 gauge single shot; 410 gauge single shot, no FAC required. Ph 648-4189 (Tusket)

**FOR SALE: Honda 2008 TRX 500, 4x4, P.S. electric shift, 1,500 kms - $4,800oo. Ph. LEONARD C. COMEAU 769-2425 (Comeauville)

**FOR SALE: Men’s large Cabelas wool jacket, camo, never worn, paid $230, asking - $150oo. Ph 723-0500 or 6 3 5 - 2844 (Wood’s Harbour)

**ANTHONY’S has Easter fruit baskets, taking orders now; Easter Lily’s. ANTHONY’S DAYTON FRUIT & VEGETABLE. Ph 902-742-5148 (Dayton)

**THREE FORTY AUTOMOTIVE LTD! We are a Pre-Owned auto dealer located on Hwy 340 just off Exit 340 of Hwy 101 in Hebron! With vehicles of all ages ranging in price from $2,000oo to $25,000oo. We are bound to have what you want or we can source it for you! All vehicles include a 3 Month/3000 km warranty. Financing Available OAC! Our New Auto Service & Repair Shop is open Mon.-Fri., 8am - 5pm to serve you!

**JUST ARRIVED! Kayaks, sea kayaks & paddle boats in a variety of colors, pre-season specials; over 40 galvanized boat trailers arriving first of April at ANTHONY’S DAYTON FRUIT & VEGETABLE. Ph 902-742-5148 (Dayton)

**FOR SALE: 2001 Ford Ranger, step side, V6, 5 spd, 2WD - $2,995oo; 2003 Pontiac Vibe, 4 cyl, auto, AWD - $3,595oo; 2003 Dodge Caravan, good clean van - $2,995oo; 2002 Hyundai Accent, 4dr, auto - $2,195oo; 2009 GMC Acadia, 7 passenger - $9,950oo; Also have a good supply of used tires. GOUDEY AUTO SALES LTD. Ph 7 4 9 - 6656 (Yarmouth)

**WE CLEAN out apartments, houses, estates, garages, out-buildings, barns, old stores, churches, halls, warehouses, building demolition, yard clean-up, tree & wood removal. Ph 742-4907, or please leave message (Yarmouth)

**FOR SALE: Honda 2007 TRX 680, 4x4 Rincon, 5,000 kms - $5,600oo. Ph. LEONARD C. COMEAU 769-2425 (Comeauville)

**TIRE SUPER SALE on Cooper, BF Goodrich, Michelin, also retreads; tire studding. JIM QUICK TIRE SALES and SERVICE: Specializing in tractor tires, tractor rims, tire repairs, vulcanizing, ATV to skidder & lawn tractor tires & tubes, welding, sandblasting, painting. 7 Hardscratch Rd. Yarmouth. Ph 742-6667

**ANTHONY’S has seed potatoes, shallots, onion sets, Begonia bulbs, Dahlia Lily bulbs, blueberry, gooseberry, currant, haskap, hydrangea, lilac, dormant oil kits, liquid seaweed, worm casting, green sand, bonemeal & bloodmeal. Open daily until 6pm. ANTHONY’S DAYTON FRUIT & VEGETABLE. Ph 902-742- 5148 (Dayton)

**LAWN CARE - Mowing, trimming hedges & shrubs clean-up. Quality work, dependable service, 15 yrs experience, Yarmouth & area. Ph 774- 0079.

**WANTING TO PURCHASE WWII-WWI & earlier military items from all countries, uniforms, edge weapons, badges, helmets, other accouterments. Single items or collections. Please contact Tom at 902-404-6513 or e-me. I also collect RCMP items. Will travel to view items. (Thanks to the nice folks in the valley & along the Sou’West Shore for contacting me).

** CONTEND for the faith - Jude 1:1-3. True discipleship John 8: 31-32. Worship & praise 138:2 Pray - what must I do to be saved, Acts 16:29-31. The Everlasting Gospel Revelation 14:6-7. Gary Hopkins (Pubnico)

**FOR SALE: 32” Panasonic color TV - $150oo; Bell Express VU dish & 2 receivers - $100oo; Satellite radio - $25oo. Ph 769-3656 (Meteghan River)

**FOR SALE: 1999 Yamaha 600 Grizzly, 4x4, only 3,000 kms - $2,995oo. Ph. LEONARD C. COMEAU 769-2425 (Comeauville)

**2 Year MVI under 3,800oo: 2009 Sebring, 150,000 kms (4,200oo); 2002 & 2003 Explorer, 4x4; 2003 Impala; 2005 Optra, station wagon; 2001 Chev, 1/2 ton, 4x2; 2007 Chev cargo van; 2003 Ford F350, cargo van; 2003 Windstar van; 2002 & 2003 Hyundai Santa Fe, both needs engine - 1,400oo for both; 2001 Sebring - 400oo; 2001 Chev S10, ext. cab, 105,000 kms. Ph 769-8973.

**FOR SALE: 5th wheel hitch, heavy duty - $350oo. Ph 761-2678 (Carleton)

**FOR SALE: 13 ft fiberglass canoe - $250oo. Ph 837-5828 (Weymouth) **FOR RENT: 2 bedroom apartment, new building in Tusket, appliances & heat included, quiet building - $650oo/mth. suitable for seniors. Ph 648-2154.

**FOR SALE: Fold down railings for child’s single or double bed - $25oo. Ph 742-4746 (Yarmouth)

**FOR SALE: Wide variety of sewing machines, all makes, for parts. Make me an offer. Ph 778-0241.

**FOR SALE: Honda 2005 TRX 650 Rincon, 4x4 - $4,900oo. Ph. LEONARD C. COMEAU 769-2425 (Comeauville)

**FOR SALE: Sears 12ft aluminum boat - $550oo; 1997 Honda 400 Foreman for parts or repair - $500oo; 2006 Honda 750 Spirit MVI until July 2015, 25,000 kms - $4,200oo. Ph 8 3 7 - 4877 (North Range)

**FOR SALE: 1 Share for the Clare Golf & Country Club. Ph 769-2856 after 8pm (Saulnierville)

**FOR SALE: 4 drawer file cabinet & files - $25oo; 2 upholstered bar stools - $50oo each; 2-4 wheeler helmets - $15oo each; dart board & darts - $10oo; Electrolux single room air purifier - $25oo. Ph 245-6950 (Digby)

**FOR SALE: 10” Mastercraft dual Bevil mitre saw - $80oo; Mastercraft serpentine saw, includes some spiral bits - $70oo; 25 ft air hose, 3/8”. Ph 837-7623 (Weymouth)

**FOR RENT: House in Grosses Coques, mature couple only, no pets. Ph 769-8228.

**FOR SALE: Tonneau cover to fit Dodge Dakota or similar size truck - $100oo; 4 A.S. tires, 215/65 A16 - $100oo. Ph 532-5470 (Lequille)

**FOR SALE: Mobile home, 14 X 70, 2 bedrooms, many new windows, added roof, most floors new, includes some furniture, wood pellet stove, air conditioner. Must be moved. Ph 5 3 2 - 5470 (Lequille)

**FOR SALE: Like new Raven electric bass guitar with 2 extra sets of strings, case, patch cord & strap with a bass amplifier, works well - $400oo obo. Ph 778-1501 (Saulnierville)

**FOR SALE: 1984 750 Honda Shadow motorcycle, 93,000 kms, inspected till fall of 2015, custom paint job, excellent condition - $2,500oo or will consider trade for farm tractor of equal value. Ph 837-4331 (Weymouth)

**FOR SALE: Restaurant counter, 12ft long, arborite top with double s/s sink, single s/s sink & bar sink c/w taps & all piping, excellent condition - $250oo or reasonable offer. Ph 665-2509 (Bridgetown)

**FOR SALE: Gun parts for most makes & models, Rabar sights, rings & bases, internal parts, stocks & forearms. If I don’t have it, I can make it. Ph Dale at 665-2437 (Bridgetown)

**CAMPER FOR SALE: 32 ft, 2007 Jayco Eagle, 5th wheel, 3 slides, beautiful oak finish, excellent condition, TV, DVD surround sound & many extras, would make nice summer home. Ph 837-8297 or 769-2418 (Saulnierville)

**FOR SALE: Hoyt Compound Bow, lots of extras including sheath, quick release trigger, fibre optic sights, spare set of peep sights, arrows & counter weight, 30” draw - $400oo obo. Ph 778-1501

**FOR SALE: 2013 black Mustang GT convertible premium, 5.0, 6 spd, 19” aluminum wheels, navigation system, fully loaded, text 902-740-1661 for more info.

**FOR SALE: 1998 Chev Lumina, 4dr, V6, auto, new MVI, price - $800oo. Ph 467-3427 (Bear River)

**FOR SALE: 1995 Lincoln Town car, inspected for 1 yr, good on gas - $1,000oo obo. Ph 769-7470 (Saulnierville)

**FOR SALE: Hugo walker Elite Edition, excellent condition, only used a couple of times - $100oo. Ph 769- 2978 (Church Poiint)

**FOR SALE: Eagle fish finder, excellent condition, asking - $75oo. Ph 769-2978 (Saulnierville)

**FOR SALE: Kitchenaide bread maker, only used a few times, like new - $25oo. Ph 308-9457.

**FOR SALE: 1985 Big Red, 3-wheeler, works good - $1,500oo firm. Ph 7 4 2 - 3950 (Yarmouth)

**FOR SALE: 2005 Ford Escape XLT, V6, auto, AWD, great condition, works great, brand new inspection, 200,000 kms, asking - $3,800. Ph 902-761- 2212 (Carleton)

**FOR SALE: Large solar panels for electricity for cottage or homes, deep cycle batteries, control regulators, LED lighting, complete packages available Ph 902-740-6389 (Yarmouth)

**FOR SALE: 1998 Jaguar XJ8, leather, fully loaded, heated seats, Carolina car, asking - $4,000oo. Ph 902-740-6389 (Yarmouth)

**FOR SALE: Quiet get away, off the grid, furnished cabin on 5.6 acres, 299 feet Rossway River frontage at 6212 Hwy 203, Shelburne Co. Reduced to - $39,500oo. Ph 902-467-0611.

**FOR SALE: GE electric stove, smooth top, self-clean oven, white, like new - $400oo. Ph 778-1214 (Saulnierville)