SPRING IS HERE! Advertise your Spring activities or events intheClare Shopper, get results - Distributing 15,400 copies every two weeks to homes & businesses from Yarmouth to Annapolis. Call to place your ad, TOLL FREE 1-800-515-3080 or Ph 769-3267, Fax 769-0877 or email tosales@clareshopper.com or on the web www.clareshopper.com. You can pay with Visa or Master Card. INCOME TAXES: The tax season is upon us. We will be preparing tax returns again this year. Please call 645-3416 & ask for Dora or Robert Maillet. Most personal returns will cost under - $50ºº. “OUR PRICES INCLUDE E-FILING FOR PROMPT REFUNDS”. This represents our 31st year ofservice &we are looking forward to receiving your call. Please call between 9am & 6pm. FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Ph 769-8136 to order (Saulnierville) WELL CLEANING: Welldrained, bottom cleaned & disinfected. Foot valvechecked & replaced. Call Michel Deveau 645-3412 or cell 769-7595 “YOUR LOOK HAIR SALON” 9528 Lower Saulnierville (Yvon Comeau Plumbing Bldg.) Nicole Comeau, hairstylist. Phone or text 307-2357. Walk-ins welcome. Look for the big Pink Sign. HANDYMAN: General carpentry & interior painting, odd jobs. Competive rates. Ph 769-8136. DEPRESSION/ANXIETY Starting Thursday March 27th. We are planningon meeting at the Weymouth Library for 6 Thursday nights at 7:00 pm. We are offering a program that will help people who aresuffering from depression/anxiety. If interested call 837-5188 & ask for Tim or Sue. Find us on Face Book at: Butterfly Ministry - Weymouth. MEAT BINGO 3rd Sunday of every month, 7:00pm @ the Salmon River Fire Hall. For Hall Rentals Ph Joyce @ 778-0321. LOOKING FOR Woodland to cut, softwood or hardwood. Ph 769-8136 FOR RENT: Mobile Home in Ohio. Ph 837-1116 or 837-8004. SEWING andALTERATIONS “professionally” done for you - 76 Saulnierville Wharf Road - 769-2287. In most cases there is a “short” turn around time for completing your alterations. INCOME TAXES: Pleased to advise that we willbe preparing personal tax returns again this year. We have room for some additional clients. Please call Dora or Robert Maillet at 645-3416 to get details of what services we offer. We will also give you an estimate on how much the cost of preparing your returnwill be.“WE NOW PROVIDE E-FILING SERVICES FORPROMPT REFUNDS”. Please call between 9am-6pm NEED YOUR VEHICLE APPRAISED for taxes, antiques & special interests? Call Eddie Comeau anytime at 645- 2040 (Meteghan) FOR RENT: Bachelor apartment in Weymouth. Ph 837-5767 or 902-880- 1256. FOR RENT: 2 bedroom apartment in Weymouth. Ph 586-2030 or 902-880- 1256 WEYMOUTH HISTORICAL SOCIETY St. Patrick’s Day Supper, Sunday, March 16th, Weymouth Legion Hall, 4:30 - 6:00 pm. Everyone welcome. Adults - $8ºº, children - $3ºº. Casseroles, salads, ham, turkey, rolls & assorted desserts. THANK YOU ST-JUDE. O Holy St. Jude, Apostle and martyr, great in virtues and rich in miracles near Kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present and urgent petition. In return I promiseto make your name known and cause you to be invoked. Say three Our Father’s and three Hall Mary’s and three Gloria’s.Publication MUST be promised. St. Jude pray for us all and all who invoke your aid. Amen. This Novena has never been known to fail.M.A.C. WANTED: Sherman tank parts, military vehicles, military items & firearms. Ph 245-5561 (Digby) SAINT PATRICK’S DANCE @ the Weymouth Legion, March 15th, 9:00pm - 12:00. Band Over &Over - $7ºº. ID required, food in kitchen. FOR SALE: Kenmore washer/dryer, 3 yrs old; misc. household furnishings - end tables, microwave, tables, chairs, rugs, etc. Moving sale Ph 761-2448 (Carleton) WANTED: 2 good used rear tires for a 135 Massey Ferguson, tire size 12.4x28. If on rims will buy them also. Ph 902-837-5858 (Weymouth) SEWING and ALTERATIONS “your clean clothes professionally” done for you - 76 Saulnierville Wharf Road - 769-2287. In most cases there is a “short” turn around time for completing your alterations. THANK YOU St. Jude for prayers answered. D.T. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Looking for person interested in doing security work evenings & weekends. Must be bilingual. Ph 837-5332 for more info. WANTED: Drum set for a beginner. Ph Keith 769-2302 (Saulnierville) DUPLEX FOR RENT: Cornwallis Park. Call this home quaint, being both a right starter or retirement home. It has hardwood floors, easy oil heat & a very large grassy backyard suitable for kids or pets. It has a full basement with laundry hook-up. Tenant pays utilities (heat&electricity) while the landlord covers the water bill. Rent is just - $600ºº. It’s a close walk to the mall with a grocery store, a hair salon & the local YMCA branch. It’s also a short walk to bonfires on the beach & a great slice of pizza. Looking forward to showing you your future home. Available April 15th or 30th. Pleasecall Joanne at 308-0754 after 5:00 pm. FOR SALE: 65 Hp, 4 cyl, diesel farm tractor, front-end loader, rearhydraulics, tires loaded, runs excellent, just serviced, asking - $5,000ºº obo. Ph 245-8559 (Digby) St. Jude’s Novena: “May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored, lovedand preserved through the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, hope of the hopeless, pray for us. “Say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days. By the 8th day, your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you, St. Jude. N.M.N. FOR SALE: 2003 Chrysler Intrepid, 6 cyl, auto, fully loaded, only 73,000 kms - $3,995ºº; 2006 Buick Lucerne, 6 cyl, auto, fully loaded, only 87,000 kms, 2 sets of wheels & tires, summer & winter - $5,995ºº. Ph 247-5005 (Digby) SALTED SHALLOTS for sale by the gallon - $25ºº. Ph 837-7152 (Weymouth) FOR SALE: 2005 Bombardier 500 ATV, 4x4, excellent condition, auto, has winch, asking - $3,300ºº. Ph 245-8559 (Digby) PAYING CASH for Used ATVs, 3or 4wheelers, dead or alive. Cash on theSpot. Ph 245-8559 (Digby) FOR SALE: 2-Honda, 4x4 ATVs, TRX 350 & Honda Foreman, both have winches & snowplows - $1,500ºº & $2,500ºº. Ph 245-8559 (Digby) FOR RENT: 1 bedroom house in Digby - $475ºº/mth, available in March. Ph 245-4939. DIGBY APARTMENT forRENT: Seeking mature adult to rent clean & cozy, 1 bedroom apartment in Digby area. Reference &damage deposit required. $550/mth, heat &lights included. Ph 308-9730. FOR RENT - 1 & 2 bdrm apartments in Meteghan. Close to amenities, beach front. Call 778-2504 *SPRING IS HERE! Advertise your Spring events, reunions, sales, activities in the Lobster Bay Shopper. Extremely effective & reasonably priced. Call today to place your ad, Toll-Free 1-800-515-3080 or Ph 769- 3267, Fax 769-0877 *FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Blocked & split, delivery - Barrington to Yarmouth area. Ph 762-2866 or 648- 4874. *SUPERNOVA POWER YOGA: First class is FREE! 350 Main St., Yarmouth www.supernovapoweryoga.com *FOREST MANAGEMENT PLANS: Woodlot owners need help managing your property? I am a forest technician willing to give advice & make forestry management plans. Ph 902-881-2199. *PRIVATE TREE Removal &trimming. Experienced I.S.A. Certified ForestArborist for hire. Free estimates. Ph 902-881-2199. *LOST: Family ring, 5 stones, white gold between Beaver Dam & Ye Olde Argyler Lodge. Ph 637-2080 (Barrington) *WANTED: Lobster license for District 34 for immediate sale. Ph 648-2345 or e m a i l : alan@acadianmarinebrokers.com AL-ANON Come join us if you are worried about someone’s drinkingTuesdays @ 7pmat the University, Wednesdays @ 2:00 pm @ theMunicipality Bldg. For info Ph 769- 2054 or 769-0016. GREAT PHOTOS OF S.W. NOVA! Check out our Collection of Black & White photos from our past issues at www.clareshopper.com LOOKING FOR SOMETHING SPECIAL? ALL CLASSIFIEDS that were published for the last 24 issues (1 year) in the Clare Shopper areavailable on-line at www.clareshopper.com DIGBY & AREA EARLY Intervention Program provides various services &supports to families with children (birth-school entry) whohavea developmental delay or are at risk of adelay in the Mun. of Digby, FREE of charge &services are provided in the child’s home. If you have any concerns regardinghowyour child is developing, please call 902-837-7315 EMOTIONS ANONYMOUS, Digby Hospital Boardroom every Wednesday, 7:30 pm. Contact 586-2073 (Weymouth **IS FOOD RUNNING YOUR LIFE &ruining your health? OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS meets every Mon., night at Beacon Church, 7-8pm. All welcome. For info Ph 902-749-5244 or 742-3725 **TRI-COUNTY PREGNANCY CARE CENTRE INC: If you are alone &needhelp & don’t know where to turn, call us. We offer free confidential pregnancy tests when requested. Information & counselingregarding the various options available to the pregnant client. Call 742-3865 - tcpcc@ns.aliantzinc.ca (Yarmouth) **AL-ANON MEETING: For anyone whose life has been affected by someone else’s drinking. Fridays at 8:00 pm at Holy Trinity Hall, William St., Yarmouth. Everyone welcome. Contact No. 648-3332 or 742-9819 **WANTED GUNS & Ammunition, old military rifles, knives. Ph 902-837- 5828 (Weymouth) **PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP meets the 1st Monday of eachmonth at the Lions Club, Parade St., Yarmouth @ 7:00 pm. Spouses arewelcome & encouraged to attend. For more info Ph Walter 742-3401 or Eric 742-7367. **WOMEN! AREYOU EXPERIENCING Physical, sexual or emotional abuse from your partner? If so, call “JUNIPER HOUSE” 24 hours a day. Ph 742-8689 LOCALLY, or 1-800-266- 4087 TOLL FREE, Digby - Shelburne. **DEADLINE for the next issue of The Clare Shopper & Lobster Bay Shopper, is noon Sat., March 22nd, 2014 with Publication on Thursday, March 27th. **IT’S A GREAT DEAL! - when you place a classified ad in the Clare Shopper or Lobster Bay Shopper, it is also placed for FREE inouron-line editions, which is wordsearchable &accessible in ourClassified Site for 12 months. Our on-line editions are now averaging over 60,000 hits an issue. **LEAK REPAIRS” -Foundations/ Concrete Structures. High pressureinjections. No digging. Guaranteed. Free quotes. Will travel. THE LEAK GUY (G&S Enterprises) anytime 762- 0722 or 740-5799 **FOR SALE: Johnson 5 string bass - $200ºº. Ph 307-2357 or 645-3289 (St. Alphonse) **GOING SOUTH? Need a sitter for your dog? CEDAR’S KENNELS boarding for DOGS - 283 Mardi Gras Rd., St.Alphonse. BBB member. Private location, 6 New runs, large & small kennels. Only 25 minutes from Yarmouth. By appointment only Ph 645-3289 (leave message if necessary) or 307-2357 cell (text) **ALL FOR SALE Ads will be published in the 30,000 copies of the shopper for FREE. Ph 1-800-515-3080 or 769-3267. Read our ad in this Edition for more details. **BELIEVE IT! IT’S TRUE! For a limited time our FOR SALE Personal Classified ads are FREE of charge. 30 words or less; limit 1 per customer per issue, NO Businesses. Place your for saleitems on 30,000 kitchen tables in South West Nova as well as on our on- line edition. Ph 769-3267 or Toll Free 1-800-515-3080 or email sales@clareshopper.com **BUY & SELL used guns. Ph Kevin at 837-5862 or 837-8295. (Weymouth area) **LAND FOR SALE in SaulniervilleWharf Rd. (oceanview) close to all amenities - store, post office, bank, school & church. Ph 769-2095 **CEDAR’S KENNELS boarding for DOGS - 283 Mardi Gras Rd., St. Alphonse. BBB member. Private location, 6 New runs, large & small kennels. Only 25 minutes from Yarmouth. By appointment only Ph 645-3289 (leave message if necessary) or 307-2357 cell (text) **LAND FOR SALE, 5-1/2 acres, Mink Lake Drive, East Kempt. Looking for offers. Ph 742-5785 **HOUSE FOR SALE: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fireplace, drilled well, Meteghan area, private, close to amenities (medical, gas, food, clothing). Ph 645- 3269, leave message. **LAND FOR SALE: 50 acres Kemptville, Route 203, Mountain Rd., great hunting & camping area for those who love the wilderness, accessible by 4-wheeler, PID # 10-400252 - $14,000ºº neg. Ph 649-3143. **FOR SALE: 3 bedroom brick house in Meteghan River, Maillet Rd., wood & oil heat or willing to Rent. Ph 604-353- 0458. **FOR SALE: Small house, needs work, also camper trailer in Bridgetown. Ph 645-2407 or contact Ervin Hill **WENDY’s DOGGY HOMESTAY: Dog sitting in our home, no crates or kennels, 3 km walks daily, outdoor/indoor playtime & lots of belly rubs. We care for your dog like our own. For more info Ph 881-2566 (Yarmouth) **FOR RENT: 2 bedroom cottage in secluded, waterfront location, 20 min. from Yarmouth - $475ºº/mth. Heat &electric not included, fridge, stove, washer & dryer included, high speed internet & cable available, no pets, no smoking indoors. Security deposit &references required. Available Mar. 1/14. Ph 902-648-2379 or email: msaw@eastlink.ca **ALWAYS UNDER 4,000ºº!!! Cars-- Trucks--4x4’s--Suvs--Vans--Cargo vans -- new ones every 2 weeks. Also junking: 2002 Chev, 4x4, Trackers, 4x4, 15”, 16” & 17” tires. Ph 769-8973. **FOR SALE: Makita Mitar saw, serial # 35246A, model L52013L & King Canada Universal folding Mitar saw stand, model K-2700, both like brand new - $800ºº; Dr. Schools Ultimate foot spa with water heat-up, never been used - $150ºº; Scandinavian Blue Fox with satin lining fur coat, fitssmall/medium, like brand new, asking - $500ºº. Ph 902-648-2379 or email: msaw@eastlink.ca **FREE INCOME TAX CLINIC! Provided to Seniors & low income on March 18 to 24th @ NSCC Burridge Campus, Yarmouth. Ph 902-742-0762 toSchedule an Appointment. **FOR SALE: Shit-tzu, 4 puppies left, - $350ºº each, 2 girls & 2 boys, all black, white & brown. Ph 902-245-6842 (Digby) **MOMS! Yoga classes starting in March for Prenatal, Mom & Baby and Mom & Tot. Yarmouth area contact Krissie 902-742-8531 or thelilacentre@hotmail.com **FOR SALE: 2003 Ford Taurus, 6 cyl, auto, pw, pb, air, ps - $2,200ºº firm. Ph 260-2110, can be seen behind Saulnierville Parish Hall. **BABY CHICKS Order them now for spring! WehaveEgglayers including heritage breeds, Meat Kings, Turkeys, Ducks, Pheasants & 20 week old egglayers. Ph 902-742-3530 to order. **FOR SALE: Bedroom set -bedframe, headboard, triple dresser, separateframed mirror &nightstand, like new condition -$400ºº. Ph 742-1099 (Yarmouth) **THE INCARNATE Wisdom, Proverbs 8:22-23. A plain words - Colossians 2:3. Building on a foundation Romans 3:24-25, 27. The great commission Mark 16:15. A.K.J.V. Gary Hopkins (Pubnico) **FOR SALE: Brand new left handed acoustic electric cut away Washburn guitar with Fishman pick-up, really nice tone, paid $700ºº, selling - $500ºº. Ph 769-0218 (Saulnierville) **FOR SALE: Kenmore stackable washer & dryer, apt. size, like new - $600ºº. Ph 837-4242 ask for John or Elaine (Weymouth) **FOR SALE: Couch, loveseat & big chair, mostly nice green color with different color patterns, solid oak armrest, very nice condition - $600ºº. Ph 769-3662 (Saulnierville) **FOR SALE: Tires on rims, 900x20; small electric organ; 1996 Dodge 1/2 ton. Ph 742-8585 or 748-5771 (Tusket) **FOR SALE: Antique Singer sewing machine withmanual from 1909, key &accessories, asking - $125ºº; wash basin set; champer pot;whitesewing maching. Ph 902-708-3108 (Clementsvale) **BENEFIT for Fred Saunders of Port Maitland to help with expenses for trips to Kentville Hospital will be held at the South Ohio Community Centre from 3:00pm to 9:00 pm on Sat., March 22/14. There will be rappie pie, seafood chowder,bake sale,Chinese auction, 50/50 draw & tickets on lobsters. For more info Ph Sally at 649-2198. Everyone welcome. **FOR SALE: Bicycle, standard & gas motor, needs no registration to be on the Main Highway -$400ºº. Ph 837-4117 (Weymouth) **FOR SALE: 2 motorcycle jackets, never worn, tags attached, 1 lady’s &one men’s, size large - $100ºº each. Ph 637-2937 (Barrington) **FOR SALE: Sear’s table saw with stand, good condition - $125ºº. Ph 749-1604 (Yarmouth) **FOR SALE: An older style upright piano, needs tuning, asking - $500ºº. Ph 638-3263 (Cornwallis) **FOR SALE: Moffat chest freezer, 5.0 cu. ft - $125ºº; Danby upright freezer, 8.2 cu. ft. - $125ºº. Ph 902-742-5696 (Yarmouth) **FOR SALE: 30ft school bus camper, winterized, undercoated, furnace &woodstove, generator &generator box - $4,000ºº; 15” 1959 Firebird rim - $60ºº. Ph 902-245-8301 (after 6pm or weekend) (Digby) **FOR SALE: 50 pocket books, great authors - $40ºº obo. For more info Ph 245-1024 (Digby) **FOR SALE: 2003 Ford Escape, 4x4, 172,600 kms, MVI till Oct/15, 1 owner, pw, pl, cd, MP3 - $3,300ºº neg. Ph 902- 748-0077 or email rileydog2002@hotmail.com **FOR SALE: 35 acres woodlot in Greenland. Ph 467-3613. **UNLOCKING the Mysteries of Genesis 1 Corinthians 2:7,10. Romans 1:20, Romans 1:16-17. Searching the Scriptures. Romans 8:26-34. A.K.J.V. Gary Hopkins (Pubnico) **FOR SALE: Katz bicycle carrier dbl, new - $40ºº. Ph 245-5344 (Digby) **FOR SALE: Shih-Tzu puppies, born Valentines Day, Feb. 14th - $350ºº each. Ready to go on April 10th, 8 weeks. Ph Sandra 902-245-6842 or cell 250-0978 (Digby) **FOR SALE: 2-15 ft fiberglass canoes: 1 built by (Chainsaw) - $400ºº; 1 square ended for a trolling motor - $500ºº. Ph 902-637-2283 (Barrington) **FOR SALE: 2002 Buick Century, 130,000 kms, 1 owner - $1,895ºº. Ph 841-1955. **FOR SALE: 2003 Yamaha V Star 1100 Classic, black, excellent condition, stored inside, 34,000 kms,new rear tire & new S/R brake pads, comes with Corbin seat, Vance & Hines pipes, windshield, saddle bags, foot plates, heel shifter - $3,890ºº. Ph 761- 2429 (Kemptville) **FOR SALE: 4 all season tires, 245/70/16, like brand new - $600ºº obo. Ph 260-2038 after 6pm. **COMPUTER REPAIRS: In-home or in- store computer sales & service. Computer accessories. Ph 645-2125 (Meteghan) **BLUEGRASS/COUNTRY Music Show at the Rodd Grand Hotel, Yarmouth, Sat. March 22/14 @ 6:30 pm. Several groups & persons performing. Admission - $8ºº per person. For info Ph 467-3141 marilynrafuse@yahoo.ca **FOR SALE: 1 Clare Golf & Country Club share - $350ºº. Ph 742-6560 (Yarmouth) **FOR SALE: Dark tinted softtop for 2 door Jeep in good condition. Reason for selling - sold Jeep. Ph 308-1721 (Digby) **WE CLEAN out apartments, houses, estates, garages, out-buildings, barns, oldstores, churches, halls, warehouses, building demolition, yard clean-up & wood removal. Ph 742- 4907, or please leave message (Yarmouth) **FOR SALE: 2005 Dodge Caravan, 6 cyl, auto, loaded, 169,000 kms, great condition in & out - $3,500ºº. Ph 742- 3044 or 749-6635 (Yarmouth) **FIBROMYALGIA & Chronic Pain Support Group meets every 1st Friday of every month in the Sobeys’ Community Room from 1-3 pm. For more info Ph Gisèle 902-749-7433. **FOR SALE: Trailer that you haulwith vehicle, bought at Canadian Tire - $500ºº. Ph 742-8320 (Yarmouth) **FOR SALE: Clam license, hard shell Area 2, hand held tool - $2,500ºº. Ph 902-247-0113, leave message (Digby) **TEARING Down very old house, everything for sale: planks, cabinets,doors, light fixtures, 20 curtain rods/shades with fixtures, large silverset; 2 showers; 2 custom sink with cabintes, etc. Ph 837-5684 (Plympton) **FOR SALE: 2 bedroom camp, needs some work, large lot, close to Sunday Lake in South Ohio - $35,000ºº obo; 2008, side by side, low hours with dump box - $2,600ºº. Ph 742-1974 (Yarmouth) **FOR SALE: 2005 Toyota Echo, damage to right front, clean title, 64,000 kms - $1,900ºº. Ph 467-3644 (Bear River)
**FOREST GLEN COMMUNITY CENTRE: Ham/Beans & Scalloped Potato Supper, Sat., March 29/14 at 4:00 pm. Adults - $10ºº/plate, children - $5ºº/plate. Meal includes rolls, tea/coffee & choice of dessert. **LOST from Brunswick St., extension - male neutered cat, silver with black stripes, no collar. Ph 742-2818 (Yarmouth) **FOR SALE: 2005 Hyundai Elantra, 4dr, 4 cyl, pw, pl, 164,000 kms, snowtires & rims - $2,500ºº. Ph after 5pm 648-2027 (Yarmouth) **FOR SALE: Quiet get-away off the grid, furnished cabin on 5.6 acres, 299ft Roseway River frontage at 6212 Hwy 203 Shelburne Co. Reduced - $39,500ºº. Ph 902-467-0611. **FOR SALE: 2001 Ford Ranger for parts - $500ºº includes 4 winter tires (only 1 season wear). Ph 245-4321 (Digby) **FOR SALE: Complete heating system for a house, hotwater furnace, New Yorker, oil furnace, all circulators, 130 ft, wall radiation, all piping, controls, etc. Make us an offer. Ph 645-2212 or 769-7597 (Meteghan) **TIRE SUPER SALE onCooper, BF Goodrich, Michelin, alsoretreads; tirestudding. JIMQUICKTIRE SALES and SERVICE: Specializing in tractor tires, tractor rims, tire repairs, vulcanizing, ATV to skidder & lawn tractor tires & tubes, welding, sandblasting, painting. 7 Hardscratch Rd. Yarmouth. Ph 742-6667 **LOOK!! LOOK!! 2002 Hyundai SantaFe, 4 cyl, std., lots of brand newparts including subframe, grey; 2003 SantaFe, V6, auto, 4x4, black, both have A1 bodies & underneath no rust. Both needs motor, both worth fixing, asking - $1,975ºº obo for both. Ph 769- 8973. **2008 Dodge, Hemi, 5.7, auto, 4 full doors, loaded, 110,000 kms - $14,000ºº. Ph 769-8973. **FOR SALE: Vintage Tonka Toys; also buying Tonka toys in any condition for parts or repair; carpenter tools & mechanic tools. Ph 245-5540 orleave message. (Digby) **FOR SALE: Stationary bike, like new - $80ºº; Bach trombone - $1,000ºº. Ph 902-249-0113 (Smith’s Cove) **FOR SALE: Six 4-wheeler tires, two 25/10/12, two 25/8/12; two 25/11/9; airtight woodstove; 2 Pillow block bearings; 5th wheel top hitch. Ph 761- 2571 (Carleton) **WE DO removal of broken or unwanted farm or industrial machinery, also removal of any unwanted bits &pieces of any kind of metal, small or large quantities. Ph 742-4907, please leave message (Yarmouth) **LAND FOR SALE: 34 acres, frontage is on paved, quiet back road on Thibault Rd., St. Joseph, Digby Co., NS. 10 acres was silvicultured 5 years ago & rest was clear cut 5 years ago.Large enough for 2 or more house lots. Ph. Jean Baptiste 769-2966. **WANTING TO PURCHASE WWII-WWI & earlier military items from all countries, uniforms, edge weapons, badges, helmets, other accoutrements. Single items or collections. Please contact Tom at 902-404-6513 or e-me. I also collect RCMP items. Will travel to viewitems. (Thanks to the nice folks in the valley & along the Sou’West Shore for contacting me). **WE CLEAN CARPETS &UPHOLSTERY! SMITHBROS. CLEAN &SHINE. Ph 742-3250 (Yarmouth) **FOR SALE: 2004 Honda Civic, 4 dr, auto, 165,000 kms - $3,995ºº; 2003 Dodge Caravan, good clean van - $2,995ºº; 2002 Hyundai Accent, 4dr, auto - $2,195ºº; 2006 Chevy Uplander, 7 pass van - $3,995ºº; 2009 GMC Acadia, 7 passenger - $9,950ºº; Also have a good supply of used tires. GOUDEY AUTO SALES LTD. Ph 749- 6656 (Yarmouth) **WISE CHOICE FOUNDATION REPAIRS. Do it Once, Do it Right witha flexible concrete sealer. Lifetime warranty (transferable), quotes byphone. 20yearsexperience, serving Cornwallis to Lockeport. 24 hr service.Ph 663-4411, 749-7688. **13” - 20” tires - $25ºº & up. Vehicle repairs - exhausts aspecialty, rocker panels & gas tanks. JIM QUICK TIRE SALES 7 Hardscratch Rd. Yarmouth. Ph 742-6667 for Quick Service. **70’S MUSIC D.J. available for Birthdays, Anniversaries or just to have a 70’s party. Ph. Avery d’Entremont 762-3132 **WANTED TO BUY: Set of ice chains to fit 28”x14.9” tractor wheels. Ph 769- 7521 or 769-3129 (Saulnierville) |